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Counseling Center

Welcome to the Truman Counselor Page!

A photo of Counselor Hauck.


About Mrs. Hauck:
This is my 17th year as a Certified School Counselor. The first 14 years were spent at Lucy Wortham James Elementary in St. James, MO. I am a Professional Licensed Counselor and have my School Psychological Examiner Certificate. I love every minute I get to spend with kids and consider myself to have the very best job in the world. I live in Rolla, MO with my husband who is the Rolla Wrestling Coach at the High School, and my daughter who attends first grade here at Truman Elementary. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, art, binge-watching Netflix, and having adventures with my family. 


Mrs. Rachele Hauck
Truman Elementary Counselor
573-458-0180 ext. 18030


Phelps County Resources logo.


Online Lessons logo.


The letters School Counseling Resources are on a photo of counselor Hauck.


Counseling Services

The counselor's services are for all children in the Rolla School District.  Our goals are to help children, parents, and teachers build on their strengths to ensure the healthy mental development and happiness of the child.  It is important to remember that the counselor does not see only problems.  The concern of the counselor is in the prevention of obstacles that interfere with learning.


My Elementary School Counselor

Listens to me.
Talks with me when I'm happy.
Talks with me when I'm sad.
Talks with me when I'm angry.
Talks with me about my school work.
Talks with me about myself and others.
Talks with me about what I want to be when I grow up.
Visits my classroom with guidance activities.
Helps groups of boys and girls with special concerns.
Is a friend I can trust.

Your Counselor's Responsibilities

  • Talks with children, parents and teachers concerning student needs.
  • Visits classrooms conducting guidance activities to further enhance overall development of the child.  In this way she maintains personal contact with each student.
  • Conducts small group and individual counseling in order to personalize services.
  • Helps with the Student Assistance Team to encourage strategies to help a student be successful in school.
  • Assists in obtaining services outside the school.


Did you know there are many ways to see a counselor?

  • You can ask to go to her office.
  • Your teacher can send you.
  • Your mom and dad can ask that you go.
  • The counselor can invite you to visit.